Two Broke Girls Slipped Out the Back Put It Back in

4.18 - "And the Taste Test"

Directed by Fred Savage

Written by Charles Brottmiller and Justin Sayre

Reviewed by Gavin Hetherington

Season Guide

Click on an episode title to be taken to my review of the episode.

4.01 - "And the Reality Problem" (October 27, 2014)
4.02 - "And the DJ Face" (November 3, 2014)
4.03 - "And the Childhood Not Included" (November 10, 2014)
4.04 - "And the Old Bike Yarn" (November 17, 2014)
4.05 - "And the Brand Job" (November 24, 2014)
4.06 - "And the Model Apartment" (December 8, 2014)
4.07 - "And the Loan for Christmas" (December 15, 2014)
4.08 - "And the Fun Factory" (January 5, 2015)
4.09 - "And the Past and the Furious" (January 19, 2015)
4.10 - "And the Move-In Meltdown" (February 2, 2015)
4.11 - "And the Crime Ring" (February 9, 2015)
4.12 - "And the Knock-Off Knockout" (February 16, 2015)
4.13 - "And the Great Unwashed" (February 23, 2015)
4.14 - "And the Cupcake Captives" (March 9, 2015)
4.15 - "And the Fat Cat" (March 23, 2015)
4.16 - "And the Zero Tolerance" (March 30, 2015)
4.17 - "And the High Hook-Up" (April 13, 2015)
4.18 - "And the Taste Test" (April 20, 2015)
4.19 - "And the Look of the Irish" (April 27, 2015)
4.20 - "And the Minor Problem" (May 4, 2015)
4.21 - "And the Grate Expectations" (May 11, 2015)
4.22 - "And the Disappointing Unit" (May 18, 2015)

'And the Taste Test' Recap and Commentary

Wondering where Max is, Caroline sees she took a break with Nashit. And by break we mean sex. Max and Caroline have the dirtiest and funniest exchange on the show in a long time, one that had me creased over laughing. Caroline's impression of Nashit wasn't a great one but it was hilarious. Sophie arrives and starts talking wedding dresses with Max who says she will wear anything. Oleg tells Sophie their wedding is going to make The Times, which impresses Caroline. Sophie has a phone call with her sister who backs out of the wedding, meaning there's an open position for bridesmaid that Sophie gives to Caroline. Not that she wants it. She does try to look for her own dress while at the High. Not that Max is much help.

Sophie's wedding dress has arrived from Poland and she wants to show the girls at the High. The dress is so old it literally tears as Sophie tries to lift it out the box. Unfortunately this means they need to go bridal dress shopping now and because Sophie has terrible taste, Max and Caroline dread it. Caroline comes up with an idea of going before Sophie to hide all the ugly dresses. Max is impressed by it and they go with Nashit so he can distract the sales lady so they can hide the ugly dresses. The sales lady is actually a sales man but the plan is intact. Max tells Crazy Carl that Nashit is single and gay and they both go away to tell "poignant coming out" stories.

Max and Caroline are hiding all the bad dresses when they get caught by Crazy Carl who thinks they are hiding the good dresses for the annual half off sale the next day. They tried to hide an ugly yellow dress but Sophie sees it and loves it. And fortunately, there's two. The next day, the store is packed with a queue ready for the sale and Max and Caroline are waiting. The perfect opportunity arises when two women mention about two yellow dresses they want and Caroline lets them in front so they'll get them. Unfortunately, Sophie is way ahead of them and gets them to the front of the queue. The sale begins and it's chaos. Max and Caroline fall over to get trampled but their plans still don't work. Sophie fights off the two women for the dresses and gets Max and Caroline to try them on.

Max and Caroline have put on the dresses in the changing rooms and they are god-awful. It gets worse though as Crazy Carl gives the ladies their matching hats. Rhonda and her friend come out of the changing rooms too and see the girls don't pull off the yellow dresses. Sophie overhears Caroline say the dresses are terrible and tells the girls they don't have to wear them. They get them off and start hearing Sophie crying from behind a door. She thinks the girls think she has bad taste and Caroline has to forcefully say she has "great taste". It soothes Sophie and she tells them to get the dresses back but the other girls have already took them. The girls go back to the Diner where Oleg reveals it's not the New York Times the wedding will be in which relieves Caroline. However, because they're not wearing the yellow dresses, Sophie is making her own... which can only be much worse.

Cupcake Total: $711.00 (up from $286.00)

Funniest Quotes

Caroline: Oleg, the people at table 2 want to know what's in the veggie burger.
Oleg: No, they don't.
Caroline: Ah, that's fine. They wanted refills so I'm probably not gonna go back there anyway.

Caroline: Max, I thought you slipped out the back.
Max: He did for a minute but I popped him back in.

Caroline: Max, he's cute but how can you stay hard with that accent?

Sophie: Hey Max, how's my maid of honour? Hey Caroline, how's my run-of-the-mill wedding guest?

Sophie: Well I have decided to wear Grandma Kachinsky's wedding gown. Yeah all the women in my family wore it. Everyone except Aunt Svetty and Letty 'cause, well, they're attached at the abdomen.

Oleg: Well baby, I've got what you want.
Max: Oleg, no one wants hepatitis!

Earl: You know, my second wedding made the Times. 'Cause my first wife showed up and shot me in the leg.

Han: Oh bitch please. Come on. My morning fibre cookie has better taste than Sophie.

Caroline: Max, we have to take charge of this. Because whatever dress Sophie picks is like a Tyler Perry movie. I don't have to see it to know it's gonna be awful.

Caroline: Sophie, I've been looking at colour choices and how would you feel about us in a nude.
Sophie: Max could go nude but you don't have the rack to pull it off.

Sophie: They don't make them like they used to. Forced gypsy labour is illegal now.

Max: Sophie. Was your grandma the crypt keeper?

Sophie: Oh put a sock in it. I'm buying one of your over-priced puddings!
Joedth: I'd get mad but I'm mildly attracted to you right now.
Sophie: Just mildly? Now I'm getting mad!

Caroline: Oh wow. Look at this place. It reminds me of that movie.
Max: Bridesmaids?
Caroline: No, A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Max: He's single and gay. Yeah, so gay he got kicked out of One Direction.

Caroline: This is the worst thing I've ever seen and I've seen a prostitute change a tampon on the sidewalk.
Max: Who you calling a prostitute?

Sophie: Wow, wow, wow. Look at the colour!
Max: That's not colour, that's radiation.

Rhonda: That Carl is crazy!

Max: I feel like Tweety Bird is gonna sue us for copyright infringement.

Max: That's Sophie's cry. I know because I can hear it through the vent when she's watching Nashville.

Caroline: Sophie?
Sophie: ...No
Max: Are you okay?
Sophie: It's not me but I'm okay.

Max: Caroline thinks you have great taste?
Sophie: She does? Well she should say so... now.

Oleg: Girls, great news.
Max: You stuffed Han in the microwave and you're ready to hit power?
Oleg: Come on, we've tried. You know he doesn't fit.

Episode Verdict

This was the 90th episode of 2 Broke Girls. Oh my God, we are 10 away from 100!

Regarding 'And the Taste Test', this was one of the season's better episodes, for sure. But having said that, this season has, in general, been filled with great episodes. I think in terms of constant quality, or at least a fair level of consistency, season four has to be one of the best in 2 Broke Girls so far. I think that's largely down to the great story of this season with the cupcake business being quite prominent and Sophie's and Oleg's upcoming wedding. It's confirmed that the wedding will be in the finale and I am dying to know what the bridesmaids dresses will look like now that Sophie is making them herself. Uh oh.

Honestly, the "I thought you slipped out the back" and "he did for a minute but I popped him back in" line buckled me with laughter. It's definitely one of the dirtiest things said in this show in a long time and while I was laughing, I had to go "argh" and feel ashamed for laughing. But it's so good. There's always dirty humour in this show but I feel it's not been as present on the show for a little while, it's been more flirty, risque humour but not really anything that's outright filth. Got to love it though.

The story of the episode was great. We get more progression of Sophie's wedding as the big day looms so the bridesmaid dresses aspect was great humour. Hiding the dresses and having Nashit distract Crazy Carl by pretending he's gay was great. Those yellow dresses really were... unpretty. Max would really wear anything but even those were too much of her. I would have liked to have seen more of "Destiny's Child" in this episode, Rhonda and her friend, as they could have been more fun for sure. Also, Joedth was only in for a little bit but at least she's still there.

I hope that in the series finale, whenever that comes, that Caroline gets her wish to make her triumphant return in the New York Times. Can't you just picture it? The girls make it big with Max's Homemade Cupcakes and they make the Times as being one of the most successful businesses in Brooklyn. Broke all the way until the final season and then boom, happy ending. I can't wait to see it, but at the same time I want this show to go for a good few more years now. 7 seasons and movie.

What did you guys think of 'And the Taste Test'? Let me know in the comments and be sure to watch the next new episode of 2 Broke Girls on April 27th on CBS!

Award-winning author of 'Abyssal Sanctuary: Remnants of the Damned'. Gavin joined SpoilerTV on August 9, 2014 and will be reviewing 2 Broke Girls, Mistresses, Orange is the New Black, Pretty Little Liars, Salem and Sleepy Hollow in the 2014-15 season. Gavin's favourite shows include Charmed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Desperate Housewives, The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Revenge, Scandal and much more. You can contact him at

Two Broke Girls Slipped Out the Back Put It Back in


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